Sunday, October 31, 2010

Book #1 of 12: Five Blanks (released August 2010)


Original cover shown here - it did change before I was finished with all 12 books I wanted to write in a year.

If you would like to order this book in Ebook or Softcover format, the links are below.


Most Original Story Ever! January 21, 2011
"I find myself getting bored with the books of today, I mean they are just so predictable! I love it when I can be surprised in a book and say, Wow, I didn't see that coming! That is exactly how I would describe this book. You never have time to be bored, it is action-packed and you never know what is going to happen next. Loved it!"
5 Blanks book author Michelle Erickson, August 22, 2010
"...Usually I can predict an ending, in this story line I had no clue until the last paragraph. Very exciting and new! Would highly recommend purchasing this book to anyone. Get ready for a thought provoking and wild ride to the WEST side of a blank's life."

How the book came to be:

A dream I had about Layton, Utah, Liam Neeson (whom I would choose to play the part of Nick) and the fact that we had to run from robots that were looking for 4's and 5's.  I didn't use the robots idea, but the rest of it is what I based the book on.

Insider Information:

Getting in this author's mind might be a scary thing for some people.  I've had more than one person ask me how I slept at night (insert chuckle).  I dream in vivid technicolor and my dreams are the fodder for many of my books. It's very realistic - plots, twists, characters...almost like watching a better-than-tv movie.

What the book is about:

Nick is a pacifist whose been killed for the fourth time. His soul was transferred into the wrong Blank. Not just any Blank, but Creed: a Combat- Ready- E-series- Elimination- Drone.

And he has to share it.

It’s supposed to be impossible. His life defines the word so that isn’t what bothers him. It's the irony that he’s to blame for making the E-series a reality. He always said it would be the death of him. He may be right.

He's homeless and being hunted by the people who killed him four times. They want to make him dead-dead before he can expose the truth. That’s if the original Creed doesn’t return from war and kill him first.

Nick has a lethal to-do list:

He needs to gain Creed’s co-operation so he can save the friends who risk their lives to hide them, find out how and why they are sharing the same Blank before the original Creed shows up, and uncover the truth about Leigh, a beautiful scary woman that claims she’s Creed’s fiancée and Nick’s friend, but whom neither man remembers.

Welcome to day one of Blank Five.

My favorite character in the book?

Christina - she's SO much more than the book explained.  She is the core of all that matters in the world between first and last page.  Without her, there would not be a story - and she morphed from the love-interest to mastermind.

If I got to choose who would play the part in a movie?

The only (living) people I thought about playing a role in 5 Blanks were:

Nick:  Liam Neeson
Creed: Chris Evans
Christina:  bunches of people - if you read the book you'll know why

Will there be a sequel?

I toyed with the idea of "First Blank" and writing about Pre-Apocalyptic Christine, but the muses didn't give me enough, so it's not in the plans at the moment (that doesn't mean it won't happen - just that it won't be right now)


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