Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Writing a book Step Two: Desire

Step One: Dream
Step Two:  Desire

Writing is my bliss, my passion, my job and, even after writing 12 books in a year, I love it.  There were times I wondered if I would.  I'm grateful I can say YES!!!

One of the first things I do every morning is go out to the computer and press the power button.  Why? I can't wait to see what my characters are going to do!  During the night, ideas come to me (last night I dreamed in technicolor about a kind and good-natured redheaded king, old ruins where cattle were watered, and the future of DVD's - they no longer existed) Okay, that is called creative fodder - the kind of stuff I can and do use in my books.

Writing novels is something I've wanted since I was a teen and, sadly, when I went to college, I listened to the 'experts' of my time and let my dream fade when they said the only writing major they offered was journalism.  It was a big blow.  I wasn't fond of the news (most of it is bad, even then, and why would I focus on that?) 

Because I believed them, for decades, I limited my talent to birthday cards, journals, etc.   I was a - dare I say it? - closet writer!  I still penned ideas, but I seldom shared them.

Then I read The Jack Rabbit Factor by Leslie Householder.  The cover of the book had three important words that opened doors in my mind:  Why You Can.

Thanks to the book, which woke my dreams, I made the decision to write professionally because I LOVE writing.  Once I gave myself permission to follow my dream, there was no going back to the dark cave where my creative juices used to bubble and hiss while I ignored them.

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